

Lucky was born in January of 2019. He was born 3rd from a set of triplets. Unfortunately Lucky’s mom died at his birth and he was bottle fed. Because Lucky was a part of triplets he didn’t have much room in his mom. Lucky was born with two deformed legs. The worse was his left rear leg which was almost completely backwards. Lucky’s foster mom took really good care of him and bandaged and cleaned his leg daily. The fosters contacted the Sanctuary and needed a permanent home for Lucky. Lucky was brought to the Sanctuary in 2019.

We continued bandaging Lucky everyday until we could get him into the vets office. The Sanctuary took Lucky to a vet specialist who has done wonders with animals with bone issues. Lucky was fitted for a leg brace for his rear leg to help straighten the bone growth. After several weeks of on and off usage of the brace Lucky’s leg has begun to straighten.

Lucky now lives his life with all of the animals at the Sanctuary. Lucky is a favorite with all of the visiting children to the Sanctuary. Lucky really thinks he’s just one of the dogs at the Sanctuary. He prefers running and playing with them during most of his day.

Lucky enjoys eating leaves from the trees on the property and loves watermelon too!



One of Lucky’s favorite treats is Watermelon. When he sees or smells it he’ll come running from wherever he is roaming.