First Winter Struggles and Opportunities at Our New Location

First Winter Struggles and Opportunities at Our New Location

As we settle into our new home at Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary, we faced the challenges of our first winter head-on. The past few months have brought significant changes, and we're learning to adapt and grow in our new surroundings.


1. *Harsh Weather Conditions*: The bitter cold and snow have put our infrastructure to the test. We worked hard to ensure our animal enclosures and facilities remain safe and warm.

2. *Increased Expenses*: The move has brought new expenses, including higher utility bills and equipment upgrades. We're grateful for your continued support!

3. *Animal Adjustments*: Some of our beloved animals are taking time to adjust to their new surroundings. We provided extra care and attention to help them feel comfortable and secure.


1. *Room to Grow*: Our new location offers more space for our animals to roam and thrive. We're excited to expand our habitats and provide even better care.

2. *New Programs and Services*: We're developing new educational programs, workshops, and volunteer opportunities. Stay tuned for updates!

3. *Community Building*: Our new home has allowed us to connect with local communities and build relationships with neighboring organizations. We're excited to collaborate and make a greater impact.


*How You Can Help:


1. *Donate*: Your financial support helps us cover increased expenses and continue providing top-notch care for our animals.

2. *Volunteer*: Join us for volunteer days to help with animal care, maintenance, and special projects.

3. *Spread the Word*: Share our story and mission with friends and family, and help us build a stronger community.

Thank you for standing with us through this transition. Together, we'll continue to provide a safe haven for our animal friends and inspire compassion and kindness in our community.


*Stay warm and stay wild!*

The Great Spirit Animal Sanctuary Team
